This page is devoted to some of the more philosophical and spiritual aspects of Yoga. In these videos we really honor the tradition of this sacred practice from India as we dive into key teachings, stories of the Goddesses and dieties, and more. When we are engaging in a practice from a land other than our own, it is imperative to be sure we are appreciating the culture the practice comes from rather than appropriating it.

By honoring all the limbs of this practice beyond the physical, we are approaching the practice in full and giving embodied gratitude to those who came before us and passed these teachings down.


This is the first of a series of videos I have been so excited to offer! In this video series, I will be breaking down the 8-limbed path of yoga in bite sized videos that will each be 10 min or less. Studying yogic philosophy not only deepens our own practice and enriches our life, but it also helps us to honor the tradition in the way of cultural appreciation, rather than appropriating this sacred tradition.

In the second video of this series, I talk about the second Yama from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Satya. This is another bite-sized tool to not only learn more about Yoga beyond the Asana, but to also enrich your relationships and your life.

Here is the third video of our ongoing Yoga Philosophy series, still unpacking the Yamas from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In this video we talk about the third Yama, Asteya, also known as non-stealing. Like all the other Yamas though, we find that there is much more than meets the surface in the true meaning of non-stealing. I hope you enjoy these bite-sized little nuggets of yoga philosophy and that you find them useful to apply to your every day life!

I can't believe we are already on our second to last Yama in this ongoing Yoga Philosophy Video Series! In just under 9 minutes, I break down the idea of Brahmacharya through both traditional and more modern perspectives, and how to apply this idea both on & off the mat.

Here’s the 5th of our Yoga Philosophy videos, and it’s the final Yama! The 5th Yama is called Aparigraha, AKA non-greediness, non-hoarding, and non-attachment. I dive in to this observance as a gateway to true personal liberation, both within our yoga practice as well in the rest of our lives in just under ten minutes. (I do accidentally say “non-stealing” once in the video, but that is the definition of Asteya, not Aprigraha. Although the ideas do relate, my tongue just got a little tied!) Our next philosophy series will be on the Niyamas, so stay tuned!

I’m so excited to be picking back up on our yoga philosophy video series! Here we begin our journey with the Niyamas, the second limb out of eight on our yoga path. The first Niyama is called Saucha, also known as cleanliness. Tune in to this short video (just under 10 minutes) to learn more about this idea and how you can invoke it in your life.

We continue moving along with the Niyamas as we discuss the second one here: Santosha. Santosha translates to contentment, and here we talk about how vital and challenging it is to find that from within rather than from outside of ourselves.

In this Yoga Philosophy video, we move into the third Niyama: Tapas! Tapas is one of my personal favorite subjects in the practices of Yoga.Tune in to this short video to learn about the amazing practices and benefits of Tapas, which is often defined as 'discipline' or 'burning enthusiasm'.

Here we move into the fourth Niyama outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Svadhyaya, also known as self study. Cozy up and learn about this *favorite* Niyama of mine!

Can you believe we are already on the last Niyama?! In this video, we break down the fifth Niyama as outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Ishwara Pranidhana. In my opinion, this is one of the more challenging concepts in the Sutras to break down in a way that is applicable to modern day. We talk about some of the ways that we can make this big idea work for us personally, both on and off the mat. Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy!

We are moving along through the eight limbs of yoga here with the third limb: Asana! Get cozy and tune in to this chat on Asana and how it’s so much more than just a yoga pose.

What is pranayama, anyway?! Tune in to this short coffee chat to learn the definition of pranayama, what the practice entails, and the immense benefits harnessing the magic of the breath holds for us.

Today's class is not quite a slow flow, but not quite a power vinyasa either. I'd consider it a slow vinyasa, or an all levels flow practice where we open and strengthen most major areas of the body in an efficient way. Steady, stretchy, yet definitely strong in moments. Through practice we also dive into a bit of yogic philosophy through the fifth limb of yoga: Pratyahara. Tune in to learn more about the powerful practice of Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) and experience the benefits of focusing within as you practice physically in your flow.

Here is a bit of a different format for class today! This was originally intended for the month-long meditation challenge, but it’s honestly such a great stand alone practice. Class begins with more of a conversation around the benefits of a mantra and mudra practice, and then we carve out time to practice different mudras and a mantra to invoke the grounding energy of Ganesha. Tune in, dive deep, and ground down in under 30 minutes of rich content.

Get cozy and listen in on this tale of the Great Warrioress and Mother Goddess, Durga. These teachings help us access greater compassion, inner strength, and courage during challenging times of our lives.