This page of classes is designed for the true beginner. I am so proud of you all for saying YES to the beginnings of your beautiful journey of transformation through the practices of Yoga. As you embark on this journey, you will learn the value in listening to your body.

Please, take breaks and modify your practice however you need to.

This is a path of taking our time and listening within. It is always okay to pause a class partway through and work your way towards completing the full class in multiple practices. It is always okay to take a child’s pose! Sprinkled throughout this page, I also include a few classes that edge towards all levels to support your progress over time.


Welcome to the first class of this exciting new ongoing series, Build Your Foundation! This is a series of classes that are going to slowly but surely help you establish a safe, stable, and enjoyable yoga practice. We are going to build healthy alignment from the ground up. It is a series that is designed for the true beginner, but can also be useful for seasoned practitioners to return to the foundations. This first class is a bit longer than some of the future ones because we spend a lot of time establishing our seat and our stance. You can expect some leg strengthening here as we spend a lot of time breaking down proper foot and leg alignment. Guided breathing in the beginning and a short Savasana at the end. Grab all your props and let’s embark on this journey together!

This is the second class of my new level 1 series called Build Your Foundation. If you haven’t taken the first class of the series yet, I’d suggest going back and taking that class first as we build on the concepts from that class here. This class, like all the others in this series, is built for the true beginner. We do work on strengthening the legs as this is vital in healthy flexibility development over time. I also break down the elements of a Vinyasa along with “stepping to the top of the mat”. Join me for this 45 minute journey of conscious breathing, compassionate movement, and alignment break downs. We close with a short Savasana.

This is the third class of the Yoga Basics Series, the series of classes I’ve been crafting for the true beginner. In the first two classes of the series we focus a on cultivating healthy strength in the feet, legs, hips. After those practices you might be feeling tired! While strengthening in yoga is so important, so is softening. Here I give you a very relaxing lower body tension release class. Not any standing postures, just breathing and stretching into the legs, hips, and even spine. Class is complete with Savasana. Enjoy this one, and I’ll see you next week as we move upward into the sides of the body and the spine more! This class is honestly lovely and grounding even if you aren’t following along in the program.

As we continue our Level 1 series of classes, we start to move up into the sides of the body as well as the spine. This is a practice that prioritizes length more so than strength as we create more space in the tissues of our lungs for full, delicious breaths. Lengthening the side body is also crucial for healthy posture, easing shoulder and hip tightness, and for bigger heart opening postures we will explore in future classes. I hope you enjoy!

As we continue to move up the body in this level 1 series, we land here in our core center for this next class. As I mention in the beginning of the video, please know that you can always take breaks and take this class at your own pace. Strengthening the core is never easy (even in level 1!), but showing up and doing this work will bring much ease into your life over time. Get ready to breathe, strengthen, lengthen, and cultivate confidence in just under 45 minutes!

In the 6th class of this ongoing series, I decided to lead you all through a vinyasa flow that strings together everything we have learned together so far. This is probably the most challenging class in the series yet, so please take it at your pace and take breaks as needed. This class is also good for more experienced practitioners. Even in the level 1 realm, we learn to meet our edge and grow from there. Energetically, we focus on celebrating how far we have come in this journey! I’m so proud of each of you. Next week I will give you a chill 15 minute stretch practice before we dive in to the upper body classes.

As we move along in our level 1 series, we finally land in my favorite family of poses: backbends! Or as I prefer to call them, heart openers. This is a class that has a bit more chatting from me, but this is because healthy heart openers require a bit of preparation and understanding of various areas of the body and mind. When we do embark on this challenging journey with patience and care, the healing possibilities of these postures are truly endless and are immensely rewarding. I hope you enjoy, and you can expect more backbending classes in this series soon!

Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing a long time, this is a useful and dare I say important class! What IS the difference between cobra and upward facing dog, anyway?? These two poses are some of the most common poses put into flow classes, but rarely are they broken down in detail. Enjoy this short (7 minutes only) class where I break down the differences, safety, biomechanics, and ways to make these poses adjustable for different bodies.

Tune in to this ten minute tutorial to learn all about the preparations, benefits, alignment and variations of a beautiful standing balance called Ardha Chandrasana, also known as Half Moon Pose.

In this 13 minute video, I break down a very common posture called Trikonasana, also known as Triangle Pose. Tune in to learn all about the benefits, cautions, alignment, and possible modifications of this posture. The last bit of the video is a more core-focused offering with the pose, so if you are more after basic form I’d say skip that part and end a few minutes earlier :). Enjoy!

This is a quick, 16 minute breakdown of Sun Salutations, also known as Surya Namaskaras. This tutorial is especially useful if you are newer to the practices of yoga, as Sun Salutations are used in almost every yoga class. Having a solid understanding of these sequences can really open up the gateway to a deeper yoga practice.

This is a quick, 5 minute tutorial breaking down the alignment, engagement, and benefits of Utkatasana. This pose is a huge gateway posture to other strong postures in the practice of yoga.

A quick 10 minute stretch break for you to integrate in to your daily life. It is so important to remember to take stretch breaks throughout the day, especially if you are sitting in a chair all day for work!

This class is designed to help you open up your body, mind, and energy in a short amount of time. I think it’s especially potent as a good-morning practice, but it’s also convenient for a quick work break, as a warmup for another movement practice, or for when your traveling. No mat, no props, and no yoga expertise required. Just simple movements to open up to receive!

I know we are all very familiar with sun salutations, but have you ever done a moon salutation? Chandra Namaskar, or moon salutation, is a series of yoga asanas (poses) we practice with the breath to bathe in sweet, lunar energy. Great for if you are feeling anxious, tired, maybe a bit overworked. Lovely for any time you want to slow down a bit while still getting a nice stretch in, or for when you want to connect to softer energy. Enjoy this short and sweet practice on days you are short on time, or repeat the flow as many times as you like. Also works as a cool down after other strong embodiment practice.

Savasana... that pose at the end of class many of us rush out of. This video is solely dedicated to Savasana, Corpse Pose, and the magical ways it helps us integrate and heal. The beginning of the video I explain the importance of not skipping over this posture, then we dive in to about a 10 minute guided Savasana. You can use this after one of my classes that don’t include Savasana, after your own exercise routine, or even just on its own for some truly relaxing connection to yourself and the Earth beneath you.

Feeling stressed out? Overwhelmed? Some anxiety creeping in? This class is for you! In just 15 minutes we take the time to breathe, take a break from over stimulation, enjoy some calming low-to-the-ground postures, and rise together to continue about our day. Great as a mid-day break, or at any time of day you need to come back to center and be held as you exhale.

Here’s another mini practice for those days that you want to connect to your body and spirit but don’t have a ton of time or energy. It’s a pretty gentle full body flow where we contemplate greeting the day with sweetness. Another mood boosting practice for sure. Enjoy a lovely morning practice among the birds!

I know that when we are newer to the practice of yoga, it can be challenging to develop the upper body strength needed for poses like Downward Dog and Plank. Join me for just over 15 minutes of accessible upper body strengthening movement patterns and alignment tips so you can feel strong, stable, and more vital through your life. Class is designed for level 1 friends, but all levels will benefit from this one! Can be done as it’s own practice, or as a warmup for more movement.

Here’s a mini slower flow for those days that you’re feeling tight in the neck and shoulders. We just go through a handful of simple stretches and movements to help create more space in these areas that hold quite a lot of tension in most bodies. All levels, chill practice.

Being a human living in the age of the smart phone, chances are you at least occasionally struggle with pain in the neck, the shoulders, and especially the trapezius area. Tune in to this short, effective, and extremely practical class to learn how to really get rid of this tension for good - in a way that stretching simply will not do. This is an all levels class, good for anyone with neck pain. Whether you are a new mom and are cranking your neck to look at your babe, spend many hours sitting at a computer, are an artist constantly hunching over your artwork, spend a lot of time stretching your neck without any relief, are in a bigger or a smaller body, have breathing issues, are a runner, do a lot of chaturangas, deal with a lot of stress in your life... you get the idea... no matter what your situation, I promise this class is going to be useful for you.

Are you one of my beloved desk warriors? Or do you spend a lot of time sitting, on your phone, on a computer, hunched over artwork, or anything like that? Chances are you answered yes to at least one of these questions and this class will be great for you! We get a quick full body stretch and connection in this short class. Great as a break through the work day, or any time you need quick expansion. All levels friendly including level 1!

This is a short and sweet practice that is suitable for every single type of practitioner, and I specially made it by request of one of our members who is pregnant! We just do a handful of simple, gentle postures to open the hips and decompress the low back. Friday the cat definitely wanted to be a part of this video, so expect to have her crunching her kibbles as we stretch :) Friendly for level 1, all ages, all levels, pregnant friends… you name it!

Sciatica pain is a super common issue, where we experience pain or tingling sensations from the low back, into the glutes, hips, and down into the legs. Tune in to this short and simple video where I demonstrate some accessible stretches to relieve pain here and to learn more about sciatica. All levels friendly, including those who have no exercise routine established!

We all know how important it is to take care of our cardiovascular health, but have y’all noticed how cardio classes are usually geared towards more advanced practitioners? That’s why I decided to make this class, created for my level 1 friends. Enjoy just under 20 minutes of cardio yoga moves to boost your mood and your health!

Maybe your arms are sore because you have been rock climbing, doing extra chaturangas, carrying a baby around, or doing lots of chores around the house. Whatever the reason, you are likely coming to this class because you need a good stretch through the arms, the wrists, and the shoulders. We open all these areas of the body and do some self massage to quickly and efficiently relieve some soreness. All levels are welcome to this simple seated practice.

This class is another one for when you don’t have as much time for a long practice but still want to find space and length through the whole of your body. In 18 minutes we get to refresh the whole physical system through breath and chill movements. This one was made specifically for my Level 1 friends, but I also realized it’s great for all levels.

This all-levels practice is pretty much exactly how it sounds in the title. It is a class where we focus on creating length in the whole body and the lungs. We access juicy expansion throughout the system in just 20 minutes, so perfect for when you are short on time, when traveling, or when you are just craving quick breath-body connection. No props needed!

I’ve been really enjoying creating these shorter classes that don’t compromise on value: having a little bit of time does not mean you have to skip on your practices! Join me for 20 minutes of accessible yet potent standing and seated postures to feel more connected and present in body and mind. This class is good for anyone, especially my level 1 friends. No upper body weight bearing.

This is a to-the-point mini practice, but a short practice doesn't mean we need to be in a hurry! Come get the benefits of juicy slow flow yoga without eating up too much of your day in this all levels friendly practice. Primary focus is on opening the hips, shoulders, and chest. Enjoy!

Having a lazy day, but want to get your stretch on? Join me for today’s slow flow - from the comfort of bed! It’s a short and sweet class where we stretch most of the body in a slow and conscious way. I leave space for you to breathe after I get you into each posture to savor the quietude on cozy days in. This class is great for when you’re feeling sore, tired, sick, snuggly, when you’re traveling, when your floor is covered in laundry… or any time you just want to stretch luxuriously in your bed.

I filmed this class on holiday, and the lighting was a bit weird in the BnB. So the image isn’t *quite* as high quality as usual, but still easy enough to see clearly :)

I made this class for those times when you may be experiencing discomfort in your low back. This is a super common complaint for people in our modern world, with many possible causes such as poor posture, tight hips, tight hamstrings, or a weak core to name a few. This is a pretty quick and dirty class where I quickly show you the stretches and movements. I chose this format so you could try different things out, and pause the video when you find something that feels *oh so right*. All levels friendly.

This class is exactly how the title sounds: a short and sweet practice to open up the body and the breath. Even when we are short on time, just a short practice can really change the way we feel throughout our busy days. In this class I offer a short and gentle vinyasa, a few yin-like stretches, and a very brief guided breathing meditation. Level 1 practice, all levels welcome!

Have you heard the buzz about Yoga Nidra (sometimes called Non Sleep Deep Rest)? Yoga Nidra has been practiced for thousands of years for its immense health benefits on the body and mind. Yoga Nidra is incredible for restoring our energy in an afternoon slump or after not sleeping so great, it's a potent tool to calm down when anxious, it's literally great for your brain and heart, it can help align your spine and ease upper and lower back pain, and it can help us access an increased sense of focus, presence, and energy for the rest of the day. Tune in to learn more and practice to see the benefits of this restoration for yourself.

This isn’t your typical yoga class! We don’t do any physical asana (poses), and instead opt for a more restorative approach. We start with gentle guided facial massage, do some alternate nostril breathing, and bathe in a mini meditation / savasana at the end. This class is so calming for the nervous system, and is great for any time you need to connect to YOU. Great for when recovering from injury and you can’t move but still want some embodiment. Great for when you just need to feel held. Whole class can be done seated, laying on the floor, or even laying in bed. Having some lavender or other calming essential oil would be helpful but isn’t totally required. Can’t recommend this one enough honestly.

This class is a shorter one, perfect for those days when you are low on time but still want a full-spectrum practice. Designed for my level 1 friends, but this is truly an all levels practice that will benefit any level of practitioner. Greet the day with a little strength, a little length, and conscious breathing.

Wanting to get stronger in the full body but newer to the practices of yoga? This is a great class for you! I explain how to get strong and build stamina with simple, accessible yoga-based movement patterns all in just 22 minutes. You can expect a burn through the booty, legs, core, and upper body. Let’s visualize & celebrate the strongest version of ourselves yet!

This class is designed for when you aren’t feeling 100% but still want some connection with your body. I recorded this class when I was recovering from Covid-19, and it left my lungs feeling less restricted, my back and legs less achey, and my spirit more open. Movements are very slow, simple, and generally all levels. If you’re having a sick day like me, put on your jammies and breathe with me!

Yin yoga is always such a delicious treat. Join me for nearly half an hour of simple postures that will soften most major areas of the body. Since I was filming outdoors with beautiful chirping birds, I decided to keep my talking to a minimum. I only speak to get you in and out of postures, giving you sweet quietude, bird songs, and rain drops as you hold each shape so you can dive in as deep as you like. All levels welcome.

Chances are, you have some tension living in your neck, shoulders, and trapezius muscles that you are wanting to release! Most of us harbor tension in these areas of the body. Join me for just under 30 minutes of sweet, sweet release. You’ll want a block, blanket, and strap (or belt or scarf) for class. All levels friendly (yup, including level 1!)

Join me for a short, sweet and complete Vin Yin style class. This is designed for my level 1 friends, as we move slowly and mindfully as I offer accessible modifications through postures. The first half of class is a slow and simple vinyasa, and the second half of class provides a small handful of yummy yin poses to wind down. Enjoy this full body rinse!

Grab all your cushions and blankets and join me for this super nourishing yet compact Yin practice! Yin Yoga is an amazing healing practice and is geared towards allowing the fascia and the muscles to slowly open within longer pose holds. No heat generation, just sweet restoration. All levels welcome.

While stoking the Agni (Fire) is important for our transformation, cooling the fire with Soma (Nectar) is just as important to assimilate the journey thus far. It’s important to take time to slow down, heal the tension in the body, and refresh ourselves anew. This class aims towards this feeling of nourishment and restoration, but it is not a yin practice as we do move a little bit. Full body practice where we open the hips, the heart, the legs, the spine, and even the tissues of the lungs and spaciousness of the mind with a pranayama practice and a mini savasana / meditation.

I have been really looking forward to bringing this class to the membership. This is our first proper Restorative Yoga class! In the first few minutes of this class, I spend a little time breaking down the differences between Restorative and Yin Yoga. Restorative Yoga is really how it sounds: it is a practice that is first and foremost about nervous system regulation. This time of year can be so hectic. Taking the time to slow down and carve out a little time for you is so important, not just for yourself, but so you can show up for family and friends with more love and from a more grounded place. We do some seated breathing and grounding, followed by just two gentle poses held for a whopping 8 minutes each. This class is absolutely all levels friendly. If you are pregnant, you can take this class but you'd need to prop yourself upright in a cozy seat instead of laying on your back. Even just teaching this class left me feeling so grounded and refreshed. I hope you enjoy.

Happy Hanukkah! Whether you celebrate this Jewish holiday of light or not, we can all benefit from turning our awareness towards Hanukkah themes of our own inner light and resilience as the year starts to wrap up. The flow is slow and simple, yet juicy and effective to stretch all major areas of the body in an all levels friendly way (including level 1).

This class is just as it sounds: slow, juicy, short, & sweet yoga to help open up most of the body in just 30 minutes. This practice is low-to-the-ground (meaning, all done laying, sitting, and kneeling), and is great any time you want some grounding, are feeling tight and stiff, need some nice stretch, to access deeper breathing. Great for a busy day, but also great for sunshiney days where you want to just bask in the sweet warmth of your body. All levels friendly. You’ll want a strap for this class, and 2 blocks are optional.

You know those hot summer days where all you want to do is flop on the floor and barely exist? This yin yoga practice is just for that. Join me for half an hour of extremely relaxing, nourishing yin yoga where we learn to embrace laziness as something we deserve, something to celebrate, and something we honestly need sometimes. This class is all levels friendly. You will want a thick blanket (or a few), a pillow/bolster (or a few), and a yoga strap (or any belt). Two yoga blocks (or big books) would also be helpful, but a bit less essential than the other props.

This is a compact 30 minute, all levels practice to help you release tension in the hips, the spine, and the shoulders. We do some standing postures to help us get longer in all directions, but I would consider this more of a nectar practice even with the strengthening moments. A little bit of muscle engagement gets us warm and helps us flush stagnant energy and tension. After yummy stretches, there is a short silent Savasana at the end for you to enjoy before your busy day or evening.

This is a super mellow, all-levels mini practice for taking care of our joints. Whether you are new to the practices of yoga and are very stiff, or are a well-seasoned practitioner who stands on your hands, you will definitely get some relief in the tension in and around your joints here. We work on allll the major joints: wrists, fingers, ankles, toes, hips, and shoulders. Little bit of self-leg massage, whole lot of time on the floor. This practice is safe for postpartum and for seniors! Just listen to your body and always modify when needed.

Happy new year to my lovely yoga family! I am so grateful to have you here for another year with me. This is a super gentle and truly all-levels practice. We stay on the floor the whole class (so no standing poses at all). This is a great practice for needing to gently relieve some tension in the body, or if you’re healing a foot-related injury but still want to connect to breathing and body. We have a nice low-body self massage infused in the practice, and we conclude with a yummy Savasana.

Join me for just over half an hour of sweet, sweet RELEASE! Whether you are a beginner practitioner, advanced athlete, an office worker, a hard working parent, or anything else: I promise this class will benefit you. We all need to take the time to release the tension in our muscles in ways that stretching just can’t do, and this class teaches you how to do that. Also some contemplation around body acceptance: another reminder we could all use!

You will need either a foam roller, a massage ball, or a tennis ball for this practice.

This is a condensed practice that is designed as a sort of full-body-tune-up. We fit in some breathing and mantra to start class off and we close with a mini Savasana. Slower vinyasa to satisfy all levels of practitioners, with extra instruction and prop modifications for our level 1 friends. Contemplations around cultivating and radiating sunshine from the inside out.

How lucky are we that Morgan gave us not one, but two of her classes to our community?? This class felt absolutely amazing in my body, a perfect little full body tune up for the days you don't want to push too hard but still want full body expansion and grounded, earthy connection.

Two functions of the body many of us want to improve are our digestion and posture, and in this class we work on both of these. Lots of props and modifications offered as this class is geared towards level 1 practitioners, but I encourage all skill levels to come back to basics from time to time. Enjoy twists, standing postures, and seated postures to feel longer throughout the spine!

This is a 35 minute all levels practice that is great for when you don’t want to bare any weight with your upper body due to injury, exhaustion, or any other reason. We focus on listening to our needs and remembering that even during times of limitation in the body, we can still get a full spectrum practice in! Enjoy a standing series followed by a few seated postures.

Do you struggle with anxiety or over stimulation? Or maybe you’re feeling over excited? Stuck in your head? Maybe you’re neurodivergent? Or maybe you just need to ground your energy? If any of these apply to you, this class is designed to help you get out of your head and into your body through breath, posture, and physical tactile touch. The poses are quite simple and class is taught in a way to include my level 1 friends, but all levels of yoga practitioners can enjoy this nice, simple, sweet and nurturing practice. Most of the body gets opened up through both standing and seated poses.

A short and sweet yin practice, great for days when your body needs a very nourishing release but you don't have a full hour of free time. Grab all the pillows and blankets you can get your hands on, your blocks, and meet me on your mat for some delicious and relaxing yoga.

Here’s a different type of class for you today: a class where we spend the entire time at the wall! The wall is an incredible prop not just in making practice more accessible, but also in deepening our stretches and our breath. This is a slooow, mindful class. Gentle stretching of all major muscles groups, gentle toning in the legs, belly and muscles around the spine. Big expansion in the chest space. You will need one block as well for this all levels practice.

This is a short, efficient, and practical class to help those of you with lower back pain. In the beginning and throughout practice, I explain what is needed to help ease lower back pain: opening and strengthening the surrounding areas of the low back to support it. One thing I do not say in practice, is the key to reducing lower back pain is consistently opening and strengthening these body areas over time. One yoga practice won't cure our pain, but consistent yoga practice really can help us find immense freedom in the body. This class is all levels friendly, and I teach in a somewhat level 1 manner to make sure everyone can keep up and access.
One note: my new kitty cat Dante made his presence *very* known in this class. In the first half of class especially he makes some noise and causes a bit of disruption. But it was his first time around me while filming, so I think he is just getting used to that and his new home :) Hopefully you can enjoy his addition and my slight distraction by him with a sense of humor and grace.

Not gonna lie, this yin yoga class is one of the yummiest ones up on the membership yet! We spend the entire class lying on our backs in a subtle and soft heart opening shape, so even while we open the hips, the chest gets a nice expansion. Thematically, we focus on surrender, release, and softening for the body and the emotional landscape. This is a great class for times of burnout, stress, over excitement, sore muscles from strength training, pain or limitation in the body, those first tricky days of your menstrual cycle, for those with PCOS, heartbreak, and for any of us who could use a good release (which, honestly, I think might be all of us..!). Join me for this full body exhale.

Are you feeling tight in the low back and hips? Maybe a little stressed out, grumpy even? Struggling with PMS or having a menstrual cycle that's making you achy and tired? Whatever your specific reason, this class is great for coming back to a state of inner balance and finding your center. We ground down through some pranayama (breathwork) and do some stress and physical tension release in the pelvic area and low back through some Yin yoga postures. You will need a wall and a chair for practice, as well as a blanket. Two blocks are optional, but helpful if you have them.

This is a class I have been looking forward to bringing you for a long time: Yoga for bigger bodies! One of the many downfalls in the Yoga/wellness industry we really need to do better on is making all bodies feel more welcome to this practice. While this practice is very old, and really is intended for all, many of the "alignment" rules were created for one type of body: thin men. The boom of Yoga in the West, and frankly white-washing the practice, continued to reduce the richness of this practice to having the body look a certain way in every pose. My hope with this practice, is to give some helpful modifications and tips to make the poses work for you if you are in a bigger body - rather than forcing your body into a shape that doesn't feel supportive or expansive. It isn't really a flow class, but more of a breakdown of a variety of the major poses we encounter in Yoga Asana practice. I have my dear friend Elena demonstrating poses with me, and kindly sharing her experience of the poses along the way. You will want two blocks and a strap for class, and maybe a blanket for the knees.

In this All-Levels class we move in a slow, nourishing way to relieve pain in the upper back. This is an area of the body we are all naturally tighter in and so it’s important to hydrate this area through loving movement. We spend about 25 minutes in gentle flowing, then we spend almost 10 minutes in a guided savasana in a heart bench, one of my favorite restorative shapes! I will say if you are postpartum, you should take that one backbend offering on the knees more mellow and subtle. I hope you enjoy!

Truly an all levels practice, even for beginners. You'll want two yoga blocks (or substitute with books), a strap (or substitute with a scarf or belt), and a blanket or towel if you have sensitive knees at all. While activities like running and biking have incredible benefits for the body and mind, they can also lead to habitual tension in the hamstrings, hip flexors, feet, ankles, and even the shoulders and spine. This nourishing practice aims to open up and soften these areas of the body.

The New Moon is always an excellent opportunity to release whatever is binding within us. I filmed this class on the New Moon in Aries, and it’s pretty special to practice within this weekend, but it can be done during any time you need a release, no matter what lunar cycle it currently is. Simple, restorative postures for all levels softening. Grab your pillows and props and let’s chill!

An all levels (yes, that includes total beginners!) sloooow flow. Expect to stretch most major areas of the body in this practice where we slow down to savor each breath and every movement. We won’t be generating much heat in class, just enjoying some yummy stretches!

This is a truly level 1 yoga practice. We move mindfully to lengthen and strengthen most areas of the body in a considerate way. This is a great class if you are new to yoga and are looking to understand some of the basic moves a little more in your own body.

After making it through the first trimester, the second trimester of pregnancy is a great time to gently build some strength to support you and your changing body, and by proxy the little one you’re carrying! This class is *slightly* more active, but still done in a slow, very mellow, and well-researched way for pregnant bodies. A little strength in arms and legs, a little stretch for hips and chest. Even if not pregnant, this can be a nice class to get in your body in a conscious, kind way.

In this almost 40 minute class, we move very slowly and consciously so we can greet the body in a kind and gentle way. This class is great for quite a few groups: women in their third trimester of pregnancy, those experiencing PCOS or intense menstrual cycle side effects, anyone feeling stressed out, anyone feeling really tight in the hips and chest, those feeling limited in mobility, or if you’re even just feeling generally fatigued. Join me for a slow and simple class where we focus on gentle expansion and sweet rest.

Today’s class is slow and conscious in pace as we explore beloved poses in a more accessible way using a chair as a prop. Join me for this gentle, full body stretch and deep breaths to feel a little more spacious in the coming day. All levels friendly. You might also want two blocks or thick books if you’re short like me, and maybe a strap for just one of the stretches.

I have a very special practice for you today. With it currently being Hanukkah, I felt called to provide a practice that helps us tend to our own light within. Don’t let the holiday affiliation turn you away, you do not need to be religious at all to gain from this class! Physically we focus on conscious breathing within a handful of yummy yin postures to tend to our own energy, so we are able to shine brightly for those we love. Let’s be the light!

Back by popular demand: another full body strength training workout for you all! This is all levels friendly, even if you are brand new to building strength in your body. All you need for class is dumbbells and your body. If you don't have dumbbells, you can get creative with full water bottles. We start with a short warmup, and we go through two rounds of the exercises. If you are tired after one round, it really is enough to stop there! Some movement is always better than none. The second round we do go through a little faster.

Join me for an all levels slow flow where we welcome in the energy of Springtime on the Equinox: a day where we reflect on balance, equanimity, and a kind perspective. We start with some gentle breathwork and intention setting, and we move into a slow, simple, and sweet physical asana practice that opens most of the body up in an efficient way.

These are heavy times that definitely require a profound pause. This class offers such a pause to process and heal both within and as a collective. We spend the first 15 minutes of class in a seat contemplating with breathing and mantra, then the rest of class is spent nourishing our bodies in a few yin postures. Below I have included the words to the two mantras if you would like to learn them yourself. Sending you all love. I am here for you.

Medicine Buddha Mantra:
Tayata Om Bhekandze
Bekhandze Maha Bhekandze
Randza Sumudgate Soha

May All Beings be Happy & Free Mantra:
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Join me for 45 minutes of slow and juicy yoga. We will be physically focusing on forward folding in an all levels way, so you can expect longer hamstrings, a longer spine, and some subtle contraction of the low belly. We also open up the sides of the body, the hips, and the thighs. Lots of prop modifications offered throughout. We also contemplate the meaning of Ahimsa, the second Yama, which means non-violence, and it's role within our Asana (pose) practice.

This class is focused around investigating the expansion available within subtle sensations in the body. Join me for 45 minutes of simple, sweet, and softening postures to find space in a different way. Super gentle practice, all levels friendly. Almost yin-like with some self massage and a propped up Savasana.

This class is a nice combination of the physical and the more philosophical side of yoga, where we take inspiration from one of my favorite yogic concepts, Svadhyaya. Physically we emphasize side body and spinal length through standing poses primarily, focusing on transitioning and holding poses for a long period of time. Truly all levels friendly, and I demonstrate a lot with blocks throughout.

I know a lot of us are spending more time outdoors walking, hiking, cycling, and generally just spending more time on our feet. This can result in tight hamstrings and a bit of a crunchy spine, so I wanted to make a class to counter this feeling a bit. Join me for 45 minutes of full release and expansion through the spine, the hamstrings, and the IT band/outer hip in the way of twisting postures. Definitely a juicy and all levels friendly practice, with a focus on propped modifications for my level 1 friends. You might want a strap, two yoga blocks, and a cushion or blanket for class.

Here we arrive in the 3rd class of my series: Yoga for Pregnancy, PCOS, & PMS. These classes don’t really need to be taken in order though, so you can just hop right in if this class sounds good to you. It’s just as the title suggests, a class to help with the less favorable PMS symptoms such as low back pain, tightness in the belly, and mood swings. But we also find an opportunity to tap into the immense power womb holders carry during this sacred time of the month. Class starts out a bit active but then turns into restorative yoga. All levels friendly.

***If you are pregnant, especially past 18 weeks, please modify the poses at the end where we lay on our back by propping yourself up a bit on cushions, or choosing seated poses instead.

With it being cold and flu season, it felt like a good time to film another Sick Day yoga class. If you are feeling congested in the nose or chest, achey in the body, or just generally tired from a bug you are fighting, this is a great class for you. We spend a good chunk of time on different breathing exercises to help you clear congestion, and we do get into gentle but subtly heat-generating postures to help ease stiff muscles. All levels friendly practice.

This is an all levels friendly, slow flow practice where we physically stretch the whole body open through slow transitions and juicy stretches. I filmed this a couple days before the last full moon of the winter season. Whether or not it’s the actual full moon (7 March, 2023) doesn’t matter, you can tune in to experience the sweet magic of the liminal space between winter and spring. We gently warm our bodies to thaw out winter and get ready to bloom. I demonstrate a lot with blocks for class for beginners, those with bigger bodies, and at the same time there’s plenty of room to deepen if you are a more seasoned practitioner.

This class is one of the most savory classes I’ve done in a while. We move very slowly in and out of postures that open most major areas of the body in an all-levels manner. We view this practice as an extended pranayama practice: all movement is in service of celebrating our wholeness through breath. We start out with guided mudra meditation, and close with an entry into Savasana with my singing bowl. You’ll want a strap and maybe two blocks for class. Enjoy!

I have heard "I'm not flexible enough to do yoga" more times than I can count, and as your teacher I feel the need to tell you: almost nobody begins their yoga practice naturally flexible. Join me for almost an hour of mindful opening of the whole body, with simple postures to improve flexibility and mobility throughout the system. Stretch your body and breath, and leave the mat feeling refreshed. Truly all levels friendly, with modifications to level up or down with or without props.

For those of you who have taken class with Morgan, you know just how incredible she is at assisting us in sweet sweet release. Join her for just under an hour of yoga for nourishment at Morgan's slow and welcoming pace. Good for all levels, including level 1 friends.

We really take our time arriving in this almost hour-long yin yoga practice as we gather our props, set up a cozy space, and I dive into the importance of honoring the whole of our emotional landscape. We all feel sad sometimes, it is simply part of being human. The type of yoga I practice and teach celebrates all of our emotions as sacred, including sadness, grief, and overwhelm. Enjoy this slow, kind-on-the-body-and-mind release of the emotions through pyhsical release of the low back, hips/pelvis, side body, chest, and shoulders. Savor the space to fully feel, and bear witness to the healing that can happen in such a space.

In this nearly hour long class, we move very consciously as we release tension from the whole body: the neck, shoulders, chest, back, side body, belly, hips, legs, and even wrists and ankles. This is a truly all levels class, even for those who are fairly new to the practice. Not too vigorous of a class, really more gentle and focused on softening any tension in the body. We start off with some pranayama / guided meditation and close with a little Savasana.

This is a class that is truly great for all levels of practitioners, including our level 1 friends. We move mindfully and consciously through foundational postures as we contemplate this concept of "less is more". A great class for when you are getting back into your practice after a break, or for any time you want to simplify and clarify your practice. Expect a juicy leg burn! Also good for those days when you want to open up and activate the whole body without overdoing it. This one also left me feeling real good.

As always, I aim to give most of the body a bit of opening in this Yin Yoga sequence. That said, I do give a bit of special attention to the areas of the body that help us expand our breathing capacity/reduce upper body tension: the chest, spine, belly, side body, shoulder blades. The hips and hammies do get some love too, though. We start out with some seated Pranayama, and then about halfway through our Yin poses we do a bit of gentle but juicy myofascial release with a blanket roll. This practice left me feeling light, refreshed, and spacious in the breath, body, and general sense of energy. You will need at least two yoga blocks and a thick blanket for practice. I hope you enjoy!

Not gonna lie, this class felt absolutely delicious in my body and mind. Join me for an hour of investigation into the profound effect stillness can have on our muscles and our nervous system via Yin Yoga. Whether you are brand new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, there is lots to gain from this head to toe tension release. Complete with facial massage and a nice juicy Savasana. Grab all the props you got and let’s get cozy!

Welcome to practice! Today’s class is truly all levels, including our level 1 friends and advanced practitioners alike. The first half of practice is a pretty simple vinyasa with floor, standing, and even a little balance posture play. The second half of practice is more nourishing yin-style where we stretch and soften tension throughout the system. Great class for when you’re suffering from back or shoulder issues since we don’t do much upper body weight bearing, or for any time you need a little energizing as well as a little chill.

A full hour of ooey-gooey-yummy goodness! If you’ve never done yin yoga before: get ready for the chillest yoga of all. No flowing here, just holding postures for long periods of time to allow the muscles and the mind to soften. Put on your coziest clothes, grab as many pillows and blankets as you can get your hands on, and give yourself the treat of resting in your sweet breath.

A different offering for you all with this one. I felt inspired to make a class that is safe to practice while injured in the shoulder, wrist, arm, or just for days when you don’t want to hold any weight with your upper body. We focus on finding opportunities for growth and learning within obstacles like injuries through pranayama, standing flow, seated and supine stretches, facial massage, and short but sweet savasana. All Levels.

This is a unique practice where we take a gentle yet juuuuicy approach to relieve tightness in the neck, shoulders, upper - mid spine, and chest. I also explain benefits of some of the poses for the health of our most vital organs: our heart and our lungs. Whether you have a tight upper back, tension headaches, suffer from anxiety, spend a lot of time hunched over, have asthma, have recently been sick, or have any desire to improve your heart or lung health: this class is for you. We start with pranayama (breath work), followed by a seated stretch portion, a few standing poses, yin poses, and a quiet Savasana. All levels friendly, including level 1. Grab a block and join me for this really nice practice.