Before devoting my heart to the school of Rasa Yoga, my first love of yoga was Ashtanga. On this page, you will find my slowly unfolding program: Ashtanga Yoga Immersion. I take you through the infamous Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series in chunks so you can practice this incredibly transformative sequence at your own pace from home. I have also included some specific pose tutorials on this page that may help you understand the practice more fully.


Hello and welcome to my Ashtanga Yoga Immersion program! I’m so thrilled you are here. Please watch this video in full before you begin the program as there is important information to keep in mind as you practice. Remember, the first three classes of the series will be slowed down with a lot of instruction, and the final class of the series we will go through the whole series in the more traditional fast pace. Hop on your mat and let’s get started!

Welcome to the first class of my Ashtanga Yoga Immersion program! If you have not yet watched the short Introduction video to this program, please do so before proceeding with this practice. In this class I break down the first few pose families of the Ashtanga Primary Series (Surya Namaskars, Standing poses, Standing Balance poses, and Warrior poses). I explain these pose families in much more detail and at a slower pace than is traditionally taught, which is why it is a full 75 minutes long. As mentioned in the introduction video, please take this as slowly as you need to and remember that you do NOT need to do this whole practice on the first try!

Here we go, continuing along with our study of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series! If you have not yet watched the introduction or taken the first class of this series, please go back and watch those before you progress here. We see here just how important the standing poses are in the beginning of this sequence to prepare us for complex seated postures, powerful upper body strengthening, and low body opening. Join me in cultivating strength, humility, focus, and immense personal growth.

We are back on track for our Ashtanga Yoga Immersion class series! This class is where the Primary Series starts to become pretty challenging. Remember to honor where you are in the journey, and take as much time as you need to build up to these postures. While we are approaching physically demanding postures, remember to honor the process of being humbled and dash in a little sense of humor: I even try to teach some pose variations I can't do yet in this class! Within the humbling nature of these poses though, is an immense opportunity for transformation. As always, please do the previous classes in the series before embarking on this one. Enjoy!

In this 43 minute class, I give you a small taste of what parts of the Ashtanga Primary Series has to offer in an accessible way. Ashtanga yoga is, by nature, quite strong and focused on linking breath and movement. It can be very meditative in this way.

The infamous Ashtanga move: the Jump through! This is a movement that can feel mysterious and impossible when you are first learning it. But dedicated practice proves that your body is capable of learning incredible things! Tune in to this short tutorial for some good tips when learning this movement.